Hillsborough County Neighborhood Watch Association was incorporated in June of 1983
and registered with the Florida Department Of State. The main purpose, general nature,
and objectives of this Association is to...
Promote citizen awareness of the need for crime prevention.
Establish a coordinating council of all Neighborhood Watch programs in
Hillsborough County. -
Foster effective communication and understanding between the residents of
Hillsborough County and their law enforcement officials. -
To make all neighborhoods safer places in which to live.
We exist as a separate and independent organization supportive of the Hillsborough
County Sheriff's Office. Policies, procedures and standards set forth by the Sheriff's Office
to enhance crime prevention efforts will govern the activities of the Association.
The Association is structured into two components...
The Corporate Officers and Board of Directors.
The main body of membership, consisting of the designated coordinators of each
Neighborhood Watch program. Each coordinator must be approved by the
HillsboroughCounty Sheriff's Office.